


At the heart of iDICs are several committees comprised of members actively working to support the iDICs missions. Participation and active involvement in these committees is critical for the success of iDICs in promoting the use and continued development of DIC techniques. Below are descriptions for each committee. Please consider joining one or more committees and contributing your expertise and experience!

For more information about any of the committees below email info@idics.org

Standards Committee

This committee was formed in 2015 to promote standardization of DIC measurements, develop guidelines for DIC practitioners, and formulate uncertainty quantification procedures.

One of the main focuses of this committee is the creation and continuing advancement of the document, “A Good Practices Guide for Digital Image Correlation.” The Guide is free to download on the guide page. With the publication of the first edition of the Guide complete, the committee is working on improving and expanding the Guide to be more detailed and to cover more topics. If you are interested in working on the continued development of the Guide, please contact Elizabeth Jones at guide@idics.org.

Another focus of this committee is encouraging development of standards for DIC measurements within national and international standards bodies such as ASTM, ASME, ISO, and VDI. Currently members of the committee are actively participating with these standards bodies to help guide them in the expansion of their current standards to incorporate DIC and in the writing of new standards.

This committee is also active in the DIC Challenge. The purpose of the DIC Challenge is to advance the practice of DIC through collective efforts that point to optimum methodologies. The DIC Challenge is conducted under the auspices of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) and the International DIC society (iDICs) under the direction of the DIC Challenge board. The DIC Challenge consists of several specific challenges, including the 2D-DIC Challenge 1.0 and 2.0, Stereo-DIC Challenge, DVC Round Robin, and SEM-DIC Round Robin.

DIC Education

This committee was formed in 2015 to promote education of DIC measurements, develop free material for DIC educators, and introduce and train the next generation of users to DIC.

One of the main focuses of this committee is the creation and continuing advancement of educational documentation. This training material will be free to download once available. The committee is working on improving and expanding the material to be more detailed and to cover more topics. If you are interested in working on the continued development of the educational material, please contact Ryan Berke at education@idics.org.

This group works closely with the training and certification group along with the good practices group. The focus of this close partnership is to make sure that all levels use the same information and terminology. The educational material covers both 2-D and 3-D DIC for various applications.


More information coming soon.